Education and Training

What we do

  • Train clinicians, medical students, residents, and fellows to perform forensic evaluations 
  • Educate health and legal professionals on trauma-informed care for immigrants
  • Refer clients to insurance enrollment, health, and social services 

Asylum Medicine Training Initiative

UCSF is co-leader of The Asylum Medicine Training Initiative that was founded in 2021 to train healthcare professionals to meet the need for forensic medical evaluations of people seeking asylum in the U.S.

AMTI provides an online course created by a national collaboration of experts and featuring peer-reviewed best practices in asylum medicine.

The course is free for health, human rights, and legal professionals. The content is based on the updated Istanbul Protocol 2022 and is suitable for healthcare providers at all levels of training. After completing the first five mandatory modules of this course, participants will be qualified to conduct forensic medical evaluations with UCSF HHRI or other prominent asylum medicine organizations, including Physicians for Human Rights.


HHRI & HRC's first ever Asylum Provider Training - September 14, 2019